Sedentary lifestyle leads to low back pain

February 22, 2023by admindiet0

People who are not involved in any physical activity on regular basis are prone to low back pain, especially during times when they suddenly perform stressful, unfamiliar activities.

Activities like lifting heavy items or moving them from one place to another, shoveling, digging etc. Among women, this complaint is more prevalent since they tend to lift heavy grocery bags while wearing high heels.

Lack of exercise leads to following conditions that may threaten your back

  1. While moving heavy items, muscles are not strong enough or fully involved in such activities and this increases the load on the spine and hence the risk of disk compression.
  2. People who are overweight or obese, tend to put more weight on the spine and this in turn increases pressure on the vertebrae and disk
  3. It has also been observed that weak stomach muscles can increase the strain on back and cause abnormal tilt of the pelvis.
  4. Inflexible muscles can restrict the backs ability to move, rotate and bend.

However, on the flip side of the coin improper or excessive exercise can also cause chronic back pain. To begin with, start exercising slowly, considering it a part of a broader program. Repetition is the key in increasing flexibility, building endurance and strengthening the specific muscles needed to support the spine. Few of the exercises, which are necessary in building strong muscles would be low impact aerobic exercises such as swimming, bicycling, walking, which would strengthen muscles in the abdomen without over straining the back.

Lumbar extension strength training is proving to be effective. Generally these exercises attempt to strengthen the abdomen and improve lower back mobility. They also enhance flexibility in the hip and in the tendons at the back of the thigh.

Yoga, Tai-Chi also combines low impact physical movements and meditation. They are based on the principle of disciplining the mind to achieve a physical and mental balance and can be very helpful in preventing recurrence of low back pain..

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